31 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Isaac's Italian Stallion Lemonade Stand.

To contact us Click HERE

photo by Krysten Noyes
Isaac is amazing. If you know him, you already know this. If you don't, please allow me to illuminate his awesomeness (as well as the awesomeness of the community we live in). On Sunday, June 3rd, Isaac set up his Italian Stallion Lemonade Stand in West Market Square in Downtown Bangor as part of National Lemonade Day. It was a HUGE success. He raised over $800 in 4 hours and has raised an additional $400+ in the days after. And this is how it all came together ...

Months ago, I received an e-mail from Bangor Parks and Recreation about National Lemonade Day. I asked Isaac if he wanted to participate, and as is his usual, casual style, he simply said, "Sure". We went to the parks & rec to sign up and receive our lemonade stand starter kit. We read through the materials together ... which provided tips on setting your goals, creating your business plan, seeking investors, marketing your biz and everything else that one needs to start a new business venture.  The materials were very comprehensive, easy to understand, and really got Isaac thinking about how to proceed. But first ... what was his goal? The materials provided stories about some fictitious kiddos who wanted skateboards, bikes and other goods ... and how they put together lemonade stands in order to achieve their goals. I read these stories to Isaac and asked him what he would like to shoot for ... a skateboard? A swing set? Legos? He said, (and I am pretty sure this is a direct quote): "I don't really want anything more than I want a little brother." And there it was - his goal.

Isaac wants a little brother. He has for a while. He even asked Santa. But Santa was not able to deliver such a treasure this past year. So, Isaac began to take matters into his own hands. He is adopted. He knows his adoption story very well and is fully aware that adoption is the means by which our family grows. He also knows that the adoption process can be quite expensive. And he wants this little brother so badly, that he is willing to put in the work needed to raise as much money as possible. And he is very serious about this.

Where to start? Well, Isaac learned that it often takes money to make money. We read about seeking out possible investors to help with his starting costs (stand, lemons, sugar, marketing materials, etc) ... and then compiled a list of people to ask to invest in his project. I felt it was very important that Isaac go and talk to these investors on his own. He needed to look them in the eye, shake their hands, tell them about his project, ask them to help, and then ask them what he could do for them in return. Because he is 7 - and I was not sure whether he could pull this off on his own - I wrote to each potential investor ahead of time to summarize what Isaac was hoping to speak to them about. This turned out to be somewhat unnecessary. Isaac was a pro. His first meeting was a bit rocky (he was somewhat tongue tied) but the rest were smooth sailing. He set up meetings with area business folk ... and each and every one of them negotiated terms with him and invested in his project. Some invested money, others invested supplies, while others invested marketing tools, etc. And all simply wanted some lemonade in return.

((( This is where I give a big shout out to those investors! Metropolitan Soul, Nocturnem Draft Haus, Giacomo's, Monahan Design, Hannaford's, Pigeon, Paddy Murphy's, and Winterport Boot Shop. These businesses know what it means to be part of their larger community - please reward them for their generosity! )))

Once the funds were secured, we researched lemonade stand plans via Google ... then Halis (aka Daddy) came up with his own design. Isaac and his Dad built and painted it together ... and the results are pretty cool ...

with storage!
A very important part of this business venture was pulling together the theme for the stand. This also proved to be the most fun (for me at least). Isaac knew early on that he wanted a "Rocky" theme for his biz. We decided on the name: Isaac's Italian Stallion Lemonade as well as the slogan: This Lemonade Really Packs a Punch! Isaac is a huge fan of the Rocky series ... and thinks of Rocky Balboa as a true hero. His Dad and I agree. Rocky was a self-made man ... with a heart of gold ... and determination to see his dreams realized. What better theme for this venture?!

With the help of Brett Settle at Giacomo's, we came up with our own recipe for a fruit punch style lemonade (it was delicious ... and contained raspberry Torani syrup!). We gathered boxing motif goods and a print of the Italian Stallion himself and created what we think was a gorgeous stand. (Isaac's grandparents stopped by during business hours to drop off a punching bag they picked up that day at a yard sale - thus completing the motif). We even had Rocky music (from all 6 films) playing from speakers inside the stand!

Because Isaac was determined to raise as much money as possible, we also set up with baked goods (made by me), houseplants (grown by Isaac and I), and farm fresh eggs (laid by our hens). These were all very well received by his customers. He sold out of baked goods and eggs in very short order.

The day of the event (his grand opening, if you will) was a seriously rainy day. The kind of rainy day that keeps you home cuddled in bed. But thanks to a good friend, Donna Allen, we were prepared with a tent ... and ready for business.

And the rain did not deter anyone! We spent quite a bit of time marketing his opening day (as well as spreading the word about National Lemonade Day) ... and it truly paid off. Monahan Design created our fliers (see above) that we shared throughout the community. We also posted the event on Facebook ... and invited over 1,000 community members. From there, the word quickly spread throughout Bangor. And friends at the Bangor Daily News spread the word as well.

The day of the event was nothing short of amazing! Droves of people came out to support Isaac. There were lines of people waiting for lemonade - in the rain! There were hugs, laughs, dancing ... and generosity beyond my wildest hopes. Some friends drove right up to West Market Square simply to run out of their cars to hand Isaac some cash for his efforts. Strangers came by with their families to support the young man who wants a little brother. Area business folks came over to give Isaac kuddos for his enterprise. It was four hours of pure joy and enthusiasm. And Isaac worked it! I mean, he was quite the business man --- with excellent customer service (we spent the night before watching videos on the subject).

photo by Matt Chabe
Isaac was so very focused on doing this well. He met every customer with a smile and a "Hi. What can I get for you today?" or a "Would you like some lemonade?" followed by "Can I get you a garnish with that (a lemon slice)?" and "Please help yourself to some pastries." And he always ended transactions with a shy but sweet "Thank you." He would break from his work only to hug his friends or pose for pictures ... otherwise, he was fully engaged in making the lemonade, cutting the lemons, pouring, organizing, cleaning, etc. His Dad and I were so impressed. We figured we might have to occasionally get him re-focused throughout the day, but we were wrong. At just 7 years old, he had more discipline and determination than I could have expected.

Toward the end of his shift, a local Bangor Daily News reporter as well as a local WABI camera man dropped by to interview Isaac about his fundraising campaign. Again, he impressed the heck out of us. So mature, so kind, so focused. His television piece can be seen by clicking HERE. His news article can be read HERE. (Thank you to both venues for giving this some attention).

In the end - wow - what a day! I spent most of it near tears at the generosity of our community. Bangor is truly the best place to live on earth. Or at least we think so. And the Lemonade Day program is genius. Such a great way to show kids how to live the American Dream ... how to set goals and how to see them through to their fruition. We were so glad to participate in this event in the community that we love. (A hearty thank you to all!)

Isaac worked hard to raise $868 on Lemonade Day. His goal was $1500 - the cost of an adoption application/home study at the Good Samaritan Agency in Bangor. And though he was very happy to raise over half of his goal that day, he was over the moon to discover that our mailbox was full of envelopes from around the country throughout the following week. Folks who read the article online sent him funds from as far away as Alaska. Friends who couldn't make this opening day sent funds as well, by mail and through Paypal. By the end of the week, he had another $400 toward his goal. Imagine that! Over $1200 toward his goal. Amazing.

these girls are continuing to raise money for Isaac - such lovely ladies
I have no doubt that Isaac will find a way to bring another child into our family. And in short order. We have plans to set up his lemonade stand at various venues this summer, throughout Bangor. He also has some other fundraising ideas in mind. And though his parents have other thoughts about this, he is determined that his little brother's name will be Gabriel. I have no doubt that Isaac will be the best big brother to sweet little Gabriel. We can't wait to meet him.

Again, thank you to all involved. We will keep you posted on this progress via this blog.

For those who would like to contribute to Isaac's efforts, we will post his address/paypal in the comments section of this article.

Love and Peace ...
(aka proud Mama)

Raul's Third Birthday Party

To contact us Click HERE
Today was Raul's third birthday party! We headed to Lil' Folk Farm with a group of friends for pony rides, petting animals, cake, and playing in the barn. When we got there we brought everything up to their party room above the barn and set up. Raul had an awesome dog and car cake provided by Icing Smiles! He seemed to want to play with it when he saw it, and pointed out the cars and "arfs". Soon our friends started showing up, and once most of the group was there we headed outside for the pony rides. I had requested one extra small pony for Raul, and the other to be average size. Raul loved his first pony ride, and smiled the whole time! They are currently building a therapeutic riding center, and so there were construction trucks in the arena, which just made Raul even happier!

Then we headed inside to pet some of the smaller animals. There was a donkey, a pig, a sheep, two rabbits, goats, and two baby goats. The kids seemed to have a lot of fun feeding them and following them around in the hay. Some of the kids got to hold one of the bunnies as well, which they liked. The goats were nibbling on everyone, and one of the adult ones bit my ponytail and pulled out a few hairs! Raul started to get a little tired at the end of this part, so my mom took him out to his stroller for a few minutes. Then we went upstairs to the party room.

Once upstairs we sang happy birthday, and handed out cake, hoodsies, and other snacks. It was sad to have to cut up his cool cake, but it was also yummy! Raul wouldn't try any, but we have some leftovers, so he may still. Then the kids got down on the floor and started playing with cars and running around. I put Raul on the floor and he scooted right along with the other (mostly bigger) boys, and even tried to chase them down to get their trucks! He wasn't very successful with that, but the other boys were very nice and shared with him. The kids got filthy in the barn dust, but had so much fun!

After cleanup it was time to head out, as the next birthday party was arriving. We spent a few more minutes outside looking at the goats, but Raul was completely exhausted and got fussy. He fell asleep soon after we got in the car to head home. It was a successful party, and I think Raul had fun! He also got some wonderful presents that he happily opened once home! It was a nice place for a party as they arranged everything, told us when to move to a new area, etc., we just had to invite the guests and bring the food! I was so glad that Raul had a good time, as I was worried he would be fussy. Happy Third Birthday, Raul!


Meredith's Birthday!

To contact us Click HERE
Today was Meredith's birthday, and Raul and I joined the family for dinner, cake, and presents. Both Teddy and Raul were sad that the wrapping paper wasn't for them, but Raul was satisfied with tearing up a piece of tissue paper. He scooted all over the living room, rode in his baby walker, and rode the rocking elephant. He was being very stubborn in the beginning about pictures, but finally smiles for some at the end! The cake was very yummy, but apparently Raul doesn't like chocolate, as he didn't enjoy me giving him a finger-full of frosting!


Monthly Update

To contact us Click HERE
Well it looks like I haven't done a big update since mid-November! As you can see from the photos, lots has been going on! We celebrated Thanksgiving, my sister's birthday, Christmas, and took some fun trips/day trips!

In my last update we had just gotten out of the hospital after a few weeks of issues. Luckily Raul has been healthy since then, and doing well! He did lose a little weight with all that went on, but is still chubby. Raul's skin has been looking pretty good. His wounds always have drainage, but no major issues, and not many fevers. He has had some issues with sleep again, so is back on a medication for that, and seems to be doing better now. He had one accident where he fell out of his wheelchair going into our apartment building (it just has a velcro belt), and his face got pretty banged up, but healed amazingly well/quickly!

He continues to do well pushing his own manual chair, and they are working with the power chair at school. He also spent some time in the gait trainer in Rockport, and did really well! The wood floors definitely made it easier, so I have left it there for now for him to practice. I think he did better now than he was before when we worked on it a lot. Just goes to show again that he will do things when HE wants :)

School has been going well too. He missed a lot around the time of my last update, but has only missed a couple days since. He has become much more verbal lately, though most is still unintelligible to people not in our family or around him a lot. His teacher says that he likes school and is happy while there. They have sent home a couple cute crafts that he helped make like a turkey for Thanksgiving (where the body was a trace of his foot) and a wreath for Christmas made from his hand prints.

In Speech he has been working on colors, body parts, and on/under lately. He knows all his cars and trucks, and even the different noises associated with each. He has a book with four vehicles and four sound buttons and matches them properly every time! However, with all these advances, he has also shown a bit more frustration during times when he cannot communicate what he wants. I am going to ask his speech therapist if there is an iPad app she would recommend for communication, as he does really well with the iPad for other things.

I love the Christmas season, and I think Raul did too! This year he was able to be more involved in a lot of things, and he seemed to have a lot of fun. We got to go Christmas tree shopping twice (once for our house and once for my parents'), decorate the trees, make and decorate cookies, shop, drive by houses with tons of Christmas lights, and watch lots of Christmas movies! We also got to do some special things like going to Zoo Lights at the Stone Zoo where we saw a few animals, took our picture with a baby reindeer, saw the zoo fully decorated with lights, and met Santa! Raul loved Santa this year! He smiled and giggled a little when I put him on his lap, and blew kisses and waved when we left.

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas at my parents' house with them and my sister. On Christmas Eve we went to church, and amazingly Raul was able to sit through the whole service again without being too distracting! I did let him play on the iPad, and he talked a bit, but no screaming this year (last year he was scared of the organ). Then we went home to make homemade pizzas and brownies. Raul had fun scooting all over, and loved opening a few presents! This year he could open them himself, and had fun ripping the paper!

We didn't want Raul to be overwhelmed, so he actually opened things the whole week leading up to Christmas too. He got gifts from the Secret Stocking Project by The Butterfly Fund (an amazing organization!), and we gave gifts to two families as well. It was fun watching him open those as they were all surprises to me too! He opened those one at a time so he really got to play with everything. On Christmas Eve he opened a Matchbox garage and probably would have been happy to stop then! He was still a bit overwhelmed with everything on Christmas day!

None of us slept well Christmas Eve as Raul and Teddy were both up crying a lot. We got up and did our stockings first as usual before breakfast. Raul got two truck movies, and was not happy that he couldn't watch them right away! He also got some pirate figurines as he is a bit obsessed with pirates right now as well. We had a yummy breakfast, then opened presents. We were all very lucky this year, but agreed that it was most fun to watch Raul open his presents and play with them! We were all pretty tired by mid-day when we finished, and I took Raul upstairs to nap. Then it was downstairs for more playtime with my dad while my mom and sister cooked Christmas dinner. Raul is such a good baby! He actually played by himself and let us eat our whole Christmas dinner and dessert! Then he got to watch some shows on Sprout while we played Bananagrams together. I was glad to see that watching so many kids shows hasn't atrophied my brain and I could still win :)

The day after Christmas my mom and I left on an adventure to PA with Raul! The drive was supposed to take around five hours, but took closer to ten. We hit every possible traffic jam, and then bad weather going into New Jersey. We got there late, and it was raining really hard, but we decided to still go to the light show we had tickets too. It was so crazy, but really cool! They had millions of lights, and lots of things that moved, which Raul liked! His favorite was a jack in the box, and of course anything with a car. He also thought it was hysterical that they had lights ups of Spongebob and Dora the Explorer! We were glad we stopped at the farm, as it gave us a good end to a long day. Raul only napped half an hour in the car, but was still up pretty late as he had to wind down and move around after being in the car so long.

The next morning we woke up excited for the main reason we went, Sesame Place! Unfortunately, it doesn't open until 1, so we had a while to hang out in the hotel. Raul and I watched a bunch of youtube videos of Sesame Place and their parade on youtube to get ready. And he also watched Sesame Street on the iPad. It was miserably cold, but we all had fun! First we had a special character lunch. Most of the characters were there, and not too many families, so the kids got to see the characters a lot. We got pictures with all of them, and Raul blew them all lots of kisses! Then we entered the park where we first rode a little train, visited the Sesame neighborhood where we saw more characters, and went to shows.

Raul was exhausted, and nodded off a bit during the first show, but would wake up and smile whenever the characters came over to him (and they did a lot!). The characters were all great with him and the other children with special needs we saw! Next we went to an Elmo's World show, which also got some smiles out of Raul. We were freezing, but wanted to make it until the first parade, so my mom and Raul rode the Merry go Round, and we spent a lot of time going in and out of the gift shops to get warm!

The parade was fun, and Raul definitely really enjoyed it. He smiled and laughed, and when it stopped on its route lots of the characters and dancers came to say hi to him. We were near the beginning, so only stayed until the first stop on the route as everyone had gone by. We could have followed it, but we were all cold and pretty tired. We had a low key night, then drove back the next day, luckily hitting only a couple spots of traffic! Tomorrow we will be going back to my parents' house for New Year's Eve!

New Year's Diving

To contact us Click HERE
Several groups are planning to dive in the new year. For all of them, you must contact them to RSVP beforehand.

Aqua Center is planning to be underwater at the stroke of Midnight. They are meeting at the shop at 10:30pm and will feature champagne underwater at midnight, and a Post Dive at Aqua Center with hot food and refreshments. Hot showers will also be available after the dive.

Burlington Scuba is planning a dive January 1, meeting at Burger King at 9am. Dive is at White Beach Manchester by the Sea, MA. Contact the shop if you're interested.

Mass Diving is diving at Back Beach, on January 1, and are meeting at the Burger King at 9:30am. Must RSVP to mark@massdiving.com.
North Shore Frogmen , Finatics Dive club, and East Coast Divers have teamed up for a dive at White's Beach, and are looking for volunteers to dive and to help out. They are planning a hot chocolate on site, and post-dive party. Last year the Frogmen had 32 divers in the water! Visit their facebook page for the full details

If anyone knows of more people diving, send me an email and I'll post it to twitter and the website

27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Isaac's Italian Stallion Lemonade Stand.

To contact us Click HERE

photo by Krysten Noyes
Isaac is amazing. If you know him, you already know this. If you don't, please allow me to illuminate his awesomeness (as well as the awesomeness of the community we live in). On Sunday, June 3rd, Isaac set up his Italian Stallion Lemonade Stand in West Market Square in Downtown Bangor as part of National Lemonade Day. It was a HUGE success. He raised over $800 in 4 hours and has raised an additional $400+ in the days after. And this is how it all came together ...

Months ago, I received an e-mail from Bangor Parks and Recreation about National Lemonade Day. I asked Isaac if he wanted to participate, and as is his usual, casual style, he simply said, "Sure". We went to the parks & rec to sign up and receive our lemonade stand starter kit. We read through the materials together ... which provided tips on setting your goals, creating your business plan, seeking investors, marketing your biz and everything else that one needs to start a new business venture.  The materials were very comprehensive, easy to understand, and really got Isaac thinking about how to proceed. But first ... what was his goal? The materials provided stories about some fictitious kiddos who wanted skateboards, bikes and other goods ... and how they put together lemonade stands in order to achieve their goals. I read these stories to Isaac and asked him what he would like to shoot for ... a skateboard? A swing set? Legos? He said, (and I am pretty sure this is a direct quote): "I don't really want anything more than I want a little brother." And there it was - his goal.

Isaac wants a little brother. He has for a while. He even asked Santa. But Santa was not able to deliver such a treasure this past year. So, Isaac began to take matters into his own hands. He is adopted. He knows his adoption story very well and is fully aware that adoption is the means by which our family grows. He also knows that the adoption process can be quite expensive. And he wants this little brother so badly, that he is willing to put in the work needed to raise as much money as possible. And he is very serious about this.

Where to start? Well, Isaac learned that it often takes money to make money. We read about seeking out possible investors to help with his starting costs (stand, lemons, sugar, marketing materials, etc) ... and then compiled a list of people to ask to invest in his project. I felt it was very important that Isaac go and talk to these investors on his own. He needed to look them in the eye, shake their hands, tell them about his project, ask them to help, and then ask them what he could do for them in return. Because he is 7 - and I was not sure whether he could pull this off on his own - I wrote to each potential investor ahead of time to summarize what Isaac was hoping to speak to them about. This turned out to be somewhat unnecessary. Isaac was a pro. His first meeting was a bit rocky (he was somewhat tongue tied) but the rest were smooth sailing. He set up meetings with area business folk ... and each and every one of them negotiated terms with him and invested in his project. Some invested money, others invested supplies, while others invested marketing tools, etc. And all simply wanted some lemonade in return.

((( This is where I give a big shout out to those investors! Metropolitan Soul, Nocturnem Draft Haus, Giacomo's, Monahan Design, Hannaford's, Pigeon, Paddy Murphy's, and Winterport Boot Shop. These businesses know what it means to be part of their larger community - please reward them for their generosity! )))

Once the funds were secured, we researched lemonade stand plans via Google ... then Halis (aka Daddy) came up with his own design. Isaac and his Dad built and painted it together ... and the results are pretty cool ...

with storage!
A very important part of this business venture was pulling together the theme for the stand. This also proved to be the most fun (for me at least). Isaac knew early on that he wanted a "Rocky" theme for his biz. We decided on the name: Isaac's Italian Stallion Lemonade as well as the slogan: This Lemonade Really Packs a Punch! Isaac is a huge fan of the Rocky series ... and thinks of Rocky Balboa as a true hero. His Dad and I agree. Rocky was a self-made man ... with a heart of gold ... and determination to see his dreams realized. What better theme for this venture?!

With the help of Brett Settle at Giacomo's, we came up with our own recipe for a fruit punch style lemonade (it was delicious ... and contained raspberry Torani syrup!). We gathered boxing motif goods and a print of the Italian Stallion himself and created what we think was a gorgeous stand. (Isaac's grandparents stopped by during business hours to drop off a punching bag they picked up that day at a yard sale - thus completing the motif). We even had Rocky music (from all 6 films) playing from speakers inside the stand!

Because Isaac was determined to raise as much money as possible, we also set up with baked goods (made by me), houseplants (grown by Isaac and I), and farm fresh eggs (laid by our hens). These were all very well received by his customers. He sold out of baked goods and eggs in very short order.

The day of the event (his grand opening, if you will) was a seriously rainy day. The kind of rainy day that keeps you home cuddled in bed. But thanks to a good friend, Donna Allen, we were prepared with a tent ... and ready for business.

And the rain did not deter anyone! We spent quite a bit of time marketing his opening day (as well as spreading the word about National Lemonade Day) ... and it truly paid off. Monahan Design created our fliers (see above) that we shared throughout the community. We also posted the event on Facebook ... and invited over 1,000 community members. From there, the word quickly spread throughout Bangor. And friends at the Bangor Daily News spread the word as well.

The day of the event was nothing short of amazing! Droves of people came out to support Isaac. There were lines of people waiting for lemonade - in the rain! There were hugs, laughs, dancing ... and generosity beyond my wildest hopes. Some friends drove right up to West Market Square simply to run out of their cars to hand Isaac some cash for his efforts. Strangers came by with their families to support the young man who wants a little brother. Area business folks came over to give Isaac kuddos for his enterprise. It was four hours of pure joy and enthusiasm. And Isaac worked it! I mean, he was quite the business man --- with excellent customer service (we spent the night before watching videos on the subject).

photo by Matt Chabe
Isaac was so very focused on doing this well. He met every customer with a smile and a "Hi. What can I get for you today?" or a "Would you like some lemonade?" followed by "Can I get you a garnish with that (a lemon slice)?" and "Please help yourself to some pastries." And he always ended transactions with a shy but sweet "Thank you." He would break from his work only to hug his friends or pose for pictures ... otherwise, he was fully engaged in making the lemonade, cutting the lemons, pouring, organizing, cleaning, etc. His Dad and I were so impressed. We figured we might have to occasionally get him re-focused throughout the day, but we were wrong. At just 7 years old, he had more discipline and determination than I could have expected.

Toward the end of his shift, a local Bangor Daily News reporter as well as a local WABI camera man dropped by to interview Isaac about his fundraising campaign. Again, he impressed the heck out of us. So mature, so kind, so focused. His television piece can be seen by clicking HERE. His news article can be read HERE. (Thank you to both venues for giving this some attention).

In the end - wow - what a day! I spent most of it near tears at the generosity of our community. Bangor is truly the best place to live on earth. Or at least we think so. And the Lemonade Day program is genius. Such a great way to show kids how to live the American Dream ... how to set goals and how to see them through to their fruition. We were so glad to participate in this event in the community that we love. (A hearty thank you to all!)

Isaac worked hard to raise $868 on Lemonade Day. His goal was $1500 - the cost of an adoption application/home study at the Good Samaritan Agency in Bangor. And though he was very happy to raise over half of his goal that day, he was over the moon to discover that our mailbox was full of envelopes from around the country throughout the following week. Folks who read the article online sent him funds from as far away as Alaska. Friends who couldn't make this opening day sent funds as well, by mail and through Paypal. By the end of the week, he had another $400 toward his goal. Imagine that! Over $1200 toward his goal. Amazing.

these girls are continuing to raise money for Isaac - such lovely ladies
I have no doubt that Isaac will find a way to bring another child into our family. And in short order. We have plans to set up his lemonade stand at various venues this summer, throughout Bangor. He also has some other fundraising ideas in mind. And though his parents have other thoughts about this, he is determined that his little brother's name will be Gabriel. I have no doubt that Isaac will be the best big brother to sweet little Gabriel. We can't wait to meet him.

Again, thank you to all involved. We will keep you posted on this progress via this blog.

For those who would like to contribute to Isaac's efforts, we will post his address/paypal in the comments section of this article.

Love and Peace ...
(aka proud Mama)