10 Nisan 2012 Salı

Sunday is Daddy & Isaac Day.

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I work on Sundays. And while I am about to type a little something about Isaac and his Daddy and what they do on their Sundays ... let me first say that I work at a lovely place ... Metropolitan Soul in downtown Bangor. Recently, I posted the following to my Facebook wall ...

"So thankful that whenever I work at Metropolitan Soul ... The owner, Tracy, actually thanks me for my time spent there. How many people can say that they are thanked every time they work? That is how awesome it is to work for a small business ... and how awesome it is to work for/with Tracy ;)"

Although I love spending time with my family above all else, I truly enjoy working a few hours here and there at Met Soul. The customers are so wonderful and generous. Tracy and my co-workers are great people to be around. And it feels good to sell things I believe in (local art among my faves).

So ... I work on Sundays. And Halis does not. And for the past couple of months now, Sundays have become the father/son day of our week. And this is soooo good for all involved. As a homeschooled kiddo, Isaac spends much of his time with me. And frankly, I need a break from me sometimes, so I imagine he does as well. Heck, every boy needs some regular alone time with their Daddy ... and though we just didn't think to create this kind of arrangement, it sort-of created itself.

Their Sunday ritual is simple and sweet: Wake up late. Each take their showers & ready themselves. Go to lunch. Go to the Brewer Rec center to play basketball for an hour or so. Run an errand. Come home. Chill. Or maybe play light sabers.

And what I love best about these days they share together, is that they always seem to take some iPhone pics to send to me so that I see what they are up to. How sweet is that!? (These pics here are from yesterday's outing - sent to me online in real time).

I am so thankful for this time they have. Again, very very simple. But I am absolutely sure that Isaac will be so grateful for it and better for it as he gets older. Kids need to have the focus placed solely on them sometimes --- something I personally never got as a child --- and thus see so much value in. I may not always work Sundays ... but I hope that we will continue this Sunday ritual ... perhaps forever. I can imagine that Isaac and Halis may one day have Sunday breakfasts together, or rounds of golf, or football games, etc.

Now - Mondays are MY favorite day. That is the day that neither Halis or I work ... and so has become FAMILY DAY. My favorite day of the week :) And though I would love to see this trend continue forever as well, I imagine that one day Isaac will be having a family day of this own ... so, I am going to thoroughly enjoy these days right now ... while he is all ours.

Enjoy your days, my friends.

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