13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Teachers and Mothers.

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It is fitting that Mother’s Day falls within thesame week as Teacher Appreciation Week. Most of my children’s teachers are women. Some are married withchildren, and some aren’t.  In fact, thisreally doesn’t even matter.  As theirmom, I know that I can’t teach them everything. I will try and I may fail; but, this is where their teachers, theirfriend’s moms, their grandmothers all help my children grow to be the best theycan be.
In my childhood, I called two women mom and one my mother,
my birth mom,my foster mom,and my mother.
While each one played a pivitol roll in my life andsurvival, I give all the credit to who I am today to my mother, my adoptive mom.  Actually, I really never place “adoptive” before“mother”, this is just to help you understand that “mother” wasn’t the one whogave me life, but the one who gave my life hope.  She was my mother and teacher.  She taught me how to cook, how to read music,and how to endure trials while still being there for those that need you.  Yet, even she couldn’t teach meeverything!  For around my mother, werewomen that were strong, faithful, and compassionate.  Some who were thoughtful, caring, understanding,and courageous. 
There was the mom across the street who taught me how to sew– with patience!  She listened and shetreated me like her own.  There was themom who was loving, generous with her time, and gave me great support during ayear of great trial.  There was the momwho showed me kindness when I was learning the lessons of youth, and the list goes on. Through these women, these teachers, I grew and matured into the womanand mother I am today.
So, there is no great surprise that Teacher AppreciationWeek falls around Mother’s Day.  It seemsonly fitting to give credit to the women, the teachers, in my life and mychildren’s life that will teach and guide them as a mother would.

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